Devlog #1 - The Beginning of a Gamedev Journey

Welcome to the first devlog of Space Lord, and of mine as well, as it is my first game here. In this post I'll talk about the process of doing Space Lord, about what I've learned, what I knew and what I got to know after finishing the game.
First let me introduce myself, I'm Lucas Primo, I am graduated in Computer Science, and actually I work with Android Development. Since my graduation it's about IT I already knew programming logic and coding, but I didn't know how to deal with Unity itself, and that's why I researched for a course where I could learn it.
I wanted a course more like practice sided, base on doing a project, less theory, since I knew that I needed something to study that was more interesting to keep me motivated during the process. So I've found the course of Blackthornprod at Udemy, two courses drew my attention, one about making a 2d game with Unity and C# and the other about making a turn-based tactics game on Unity. The tactics one looked great but I felt not prepared for it yet, so I took the first one and started studying.
The course is great, not that theoretical, and it also has some design tips for those who like it. I like design, but I'm not that good on it, I spent too much time when I have to design some graphics. I've spend some time on the main character drawing him, but for the next characters I've decided to get free assets to save me time and will power, and to get straight to the point on mastering Unity.
The authors of the course always encourage the students to make their own ideas, if possible to work on their own graphics and characters, and design unique experiences. The original game made on the course was a top-down shooter where the player is running on the floor, since mine was an astronaut I've decided to make it fly instead. So I've faced the first obstacle, It would fit better for flying a different animation for each direction he was going, and after some research I've found a solution really easily and it worked perfectly.
Here are some extra course stuff I've implemented on Space Lord:
- A limited bullet system to the weapons to make it not infinite.
- A timer to make the pickups (weapons and life) vanish from the screen.
- I've put some sounds of my own edited voice when the player takes weapons, inspired by Metal Slug (Really Fun).
- To make it feel more like gravity zero I've put some impulse to the player instead of just moving the character, but it is not pretty accurate to control yet, still needs some improves.
The one that most took me time to think was the Boss, it was hard to think about how would it work, to not look too much like the other enemies, and to fit the context of a space game. So I've created a golden version of the main character and gave him some powers of summoning random meteors from everywhere. Oh, and I've found a perfect song for the boss from Youtube Audio Library called "Ghost Chase Thriller" that gave the moment the boss appears an awesome boss vibe.
My wife Sarah is a designer and she helped me with the game arts, like the background, the main banner, icon and logo and it was all really beautiful. The sound effects were all captured and edited by me with Audacity on a really simple and easy way, which is also taught at the Udemy course.
As a result of this course I feel that I've learned pretty well the basics of Unity, and with the knowledge I've acquired I can have very little limitations of what can be done in 2D development on Unity, it will just depend of the efforts needed to make something happen, maybe not yet the fast possible way, but it really opened up a whole new environment to explore and be creative.
That's it for today. Peace!
Get Space Lord
Space Lord
Top down shooter where a space guy fight some waves of enemies to survive.
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